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【365best体育app官网入口】高科技时代鼠标一点 各种蔬菜轻松种植

本文摘要:It is not exactly an online craze, but it could be one day. City folk, yearning to own a piece of land to grow their own crops, are signing up to an Internet site that guarantees deliveries of farm-produced products。

It is not exactly an online craze, but it could be one day. City folk, yearning to own a piece of land to grow their own crops, are signing up to an Internet site that guarantees deliveries of farm-produced products。虽然目前还没引发网上种地热,但总有一天不会流行起来的。渴求享有一小块地栽种自家农作物的城市居民都在登记一个互联网网站,这个网站可以确保获取天然农家产品。

Last year, farming cooperatives in Jixi county, Anhui province in eastern China, joined forces with the Internet giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd to launch an e-commerce enterprise that allows subscribers to lease agricultural land。去年,中国东部安徽省绩溪县的农业合作社与互联网巨头阿里巴巴[微博]集团合作正式成立了一家电商,订户可以在上面租得农地。

Rolled out on Alibaba’s group buying site, Juhuasuan, the Jutudi project attracted 3,500 subscribers within the first three days when it came online on March 13, 2014. The number of users reached nearly 9,000 by the end of last year。此项目取名为“凝土地”,与2014年3月13日上线并在阿里巴巴的购物网站聚划算上滑动播映广告,上线三天之后有3500订户。去年年底,用户量相似9000。The idea behind the plan was simple. About 666,660 square meters of land was leased by farmers to Alibaba on a yearly-basis and then sold on as plots to subscribers. The land was then managed by the farm cooperatives, while subscribers to the Jutudi project could recommend what crops should be grown。

此项计划背后的点子只不过非常简单。每年农户有666660平方米的土地租赁给阿里巴巴,然后阿里巴巴再行分为小块租赁给订户。之后土地有农业合作社管理,但凝土地的订户有权建议种什么作物。Professional farmers from the cooperatives cultivate and harvest the crops. The produce is then delivered every two weeks to online subscribers, who can rent a 66.6-square-meter plot of land for 580 yuan ($92) a year. For 2,400 yuan, they can lease 333 sq m of land, while 4,800 yuan will get you 666 sq m. Obviously, the larger the plot, the more produce you receive. Crops include vegetables, fruit and grain。



栽种的农作物还包括蔬菜,水果和谷物。Farmers involved in the cooperatives receive 700 yuan to 800 yuan annually for leasing the land to Alibaba. They are also paid for growing the crops, explained Zhang Xinguang, business director of Zhejiang Xinghe E-commerce Co Ltd, an enterprise under the Zhejiang Supply and Marketing Cooperative, which was one of the initial backers of the Jutudi project。而租赁土地给阿里巴巴的农户每年可取得700到800元。昌和电子商务有限公司的业务总监张新光回应,这些农户栽种作物也能取得酬金。

昌和电子商务是凝土地发动的组织之一——浙江省供销社旗下的企业。It is not very profitable for me to grow crops on my own piece of land nowadays, Hu Sheming, 80, a farmer in Jixi, said. I had to pay people to help me, so it was better to lease the land out to Zhejiang Xinghe.“对我来说,自己种地早已不赚了,”绩溪县80岁的农民胡社明说。“我得花钱请求人老大我才讫,现在把地租赁给浙江昌和便利多了。”There is huge demand to develop agricultural e-commerce, Wang Licheng, a director at the group buying site Juhuasuan, said. We always wanted to provide more support to farmers and this project has helped us do that.“现在农业电子商务市场需求极大”,聚划算淘宝主管王立成说,“我们仍然想要为农民谋利益,现在通过现在这个项目我们做了。

