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苹果悬赏100万美金 邀请黑客来找手机漏洞【best365网页版登录入口】

本文摘要:Apple is giving away $1million to the hacker who can break the tech giants security protections to break into an iPhone remotely.苹果公司赏金100万美元(约合人民币706万元),奖励给需要远程攻陷苹果手机安全性屏障的黑客。

Apple is giving away $1million to the hacker who can break the tech giants security protections to break into an iPhone remotely.苹果公司赏金100万美元(约合人民币706万元),奖励给需要远程攻陷苹果手机安全性屏障的黑客。It is a significant increase in reward from the $200,000 bounty program reward Apple has run since 2016 to incentivize hackers to work with the company, rather than target it and its users.这个赏金计划的赏金比起2016年以来的20万美元有了相当大提升。该计划鼓舞黑客和苹果合作,而不是将苹果手机及其用户作为反击目标。

Hackers will have a chance at winning the bigger payout starting this fall, Ivan Krsti, Apples head of security, announced at the Black Hat technology security conference in Las Vegas Thursday, CNET reports.据科技资讯网报导,8月8日苹果安全性主管伊凡·克尔斯蒂克在拉斯维加斯举行的年度黑帽安全性会议上宣告,从今年秋天开始,黑客将有机会夺得更加大额的赏金。With security breaches increasingly on the rise, Apple CEO Tim Cook has called privacy a human right, and made it clear that Apple is serious about not collecting personal information and keeping its 2 billion customers around the globe safe from hackers.随着安全漏洞问题日益高发,苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克将隐私称作“人权”,指出了苹果不搜集个人信息以及让全球20亿用户不不受黑客威胁的坦率态度。

This is not something that we just started last week, when we saw something happening. Weve been doing this for years, he told MSNBC.库克告诉他微软公司全国广播公司节目说道:“这不是我们上周找到了问题才开始做到的事情。我们这么做到早已好几年了。”Just last month, a hacker accessed the personal information of 106 million Capital One credit card holders or credit card applicants in the US and Canada, in the latest massive data breach at a large company.就在上个月,一名黑客盗取了第一资本公司在美国和加拿大的1.06亿信用卡持有者或申请者的个人信息。

这是黑客最近一次针对大公司的大规模数据侵略。Apple isnt alone on offering rewards to hackers, although other companies have offered far less. Rival Google in July announced it was offering $30,000 to people who could find flaws in its Chrome browser, CNET reports.苹果不是唯一一家向黑客获取赏金的公司,不过其他公司的赏金要较低得多。据科技资讯网报导,今年七月,苹果的竞争对手谷歌宣告,谁要是能寻找谷歌浏览器的漏洞,就奖励3万美元。

Krsti also said that a limited number of easy-to-hack iPhones will be distributed next year to anyone who can discover bugs in the devices.克尔斯蒂克还回应,明年将发售一款更容易被攻陷的特别版苹果手机,青睐大家来找漏洞。Apple wants to go easy on their distribution, to help prevent hackers from turning around and selling any vulnerabilities to hackers offering a higher price than Apple.苹果无意高调发售这款手机,这有助避免黑客们高价转手手机漏洞。

We want to attract exceptional researchers who have been focused on other platforms, Krstic said.克尔斯蒂克说道:“我们想要更有专心于其他平台的卓越研究人员。

