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“365best官网入口进入”苹果iPhone全球售价大PK 巴西最贵大陆排第18

本文摘要:If you plan on travelling abroad, make sure to protect your iPhone. Replacing your device could prove quite costly outside of the United States, according to a report by Deutsche Bank.如果你计划探亲旅游,那么请求一定要交给好你的iPhone。

If you plan on travelling abroad, make sure to protect your iPhone. Replacing your device could prove quite costly outside of the United States, according to a report by Deutsche Bank.如果你计划探亲旅游,那么请求一定要交给好你的iPhone。根据德意志银行日前公布的一份报告表明,在美国之外的国家和地区,换一个手机早已被证明是十分便宜的了。The study, helmed by strategist Jim Reid, compared the price of purchasing an Apple iPhone 6 and 6S - the 4.7-inch screen, 16GB models - in 27 different countries.这项研究是由高级策略师吉姆·瑞德负责管理的,较为了27个国家和地区4.7英寸、16G的iPhone 6和6S的售价。

Dont lose your phone while away in Brazil, India, Sweden, Denmark or Italy as a new iPhone is most expensive there, Reids team wrote in the research note.瑞德的团队在研究报告中写到:“千万不要在诸如巴西、印度、瑞典、丹麦或者意大利这些国家遗失你的手机,因为在哪些地方,一台新的iPhone是全世界三高的。”Brazil holds the highest price tag in the report for both iPhone models. The iPhone 6 will set a buyer back about $931, while the 6S model costs about $1,164.报告表明,这两款iPhone在巴西售价最低,iPhone 6要花费大约931美元,而iPhone 6S的售价大约为1164美元。In the US consumers pay around $598 for the Model 6 and $707 for the iPhone 6S. Prices for the smartphones in Japan, Hong Kong and South Africa are also on the lower end.消费者在美国出售同款iPhone 6仅有须要缴纳大约598美元,出售iPhone 6S仅有须要707美元。

这两款智能手机在新加坡、日本、香港和南非的售价也较为较低。The Chinese mainland comes out as the 18th expensive place to buy the 6S model among the 27 countries and regions.该款iPhone 6S在中国大陆的售价在27个国家和地区中排在第18位。Reids report said his team tried to ensure that all taxes and surcharges are included so the figures are comparable, but there could still be some variation depending on discounts and local fees.瑞德的报告中还回应,他的团队尝试着保证把所有的税金及附加费还包括在内,因此这些数字是具备可比性的,但是仍有一些各不相同优惠和地方性收费的变化。

