Several factors have dogged the nascent wearable technology market. The lack of breakthrough innovation around batteries, for one, requiring wearers to plug in on-the-go gadgets more than they’d like. The lack of sophistication around tiny user interfaces is another, though that will no doubt improve over time.有几个因素仍然后遗症着仍然正处于襁褓期的可穿着技术市场。比如,电池领域缺少创意,导致用户不能随身携带带着电池宝之类的设备。
此外,可穿着设备的界面过分非常简单,尽管随着时间的流逝,这方面毫无疑问将取得提高。But a big one? The social factor. Beyond the geeks of Silicon Valley and elsewhere, it’s just not cool to wear a watch, glasses, or headset that’s as big as a hood ornament.还有一个大问题,即社交因素。
除了硅谷等地的少数极客以外,很少有人实在戴着一个像汽车徽标那么大的手表、眼镜或耳机之类的设备,是件很棒的事。That’s going to change, according to Juniper Research. The British market observer believes that the wearable technology market will grow to $80 billion by 2020—and the key will be making the connected gadgets virtually indistinguishable from their disconnected peers.英国市场仔细观察机构瞻博研究公司声称,这种情况可能会发生变化。该公司指出,到2020年,可穿着市场的价值将快速增长至800亿美元。
关键在于如何让可穿着设备人与自然地带入人们的穿著,看上去不那么“醒目”。That means that Apple must be on to something as it continues to make atypical hires from the fashion and apparel world. Observers, includingFortune‘s own Philip Elmer-Dewitt, believe the new talent will help smooth the rough edges of a technology that’s as personal as a bracelet, watch, or ring. (So, apparently, does Google.) The best wearables, and the ones best positioned for profitability, may be those that allow their technology to completely recede into the background.由此可以找到,苹果公司大大从时尚和服饰领域挖人的异常行径,必然是有所图的。还包括《财富》记者菲利普o艾尔默o德怀特在内的许多仔细观察人士都指出,新的召募的时尚界人才将把智能手镯、手表、手环之类的私人物件抛光得更为精美(谷歌公司似乎也在这样做到)。
最差且最有可能利润的可穿着产品,有可能就是那些能使它的技术几乎带入到背景中的产品。Nevertheless, wearables will be a diverse growth market that’s not merely Internet-connected jewelry. Wearables that attach to the skin, such as MC10’s Biostamp, are also part of this category—though they’re in a “more embryonic state” and require a much larger shift in consumer habits than a smart watch, Juniper says.然而,可穿着产品却是是一个多样化的快速增长市场,它的意义不仅是一件能网际网路的饰物。那种需要把持在皮肤上的产品,比如MC10公司研发的“生物印章”,也可归属于这一类别,不过这种技术还正处于“兴起初期的状态”,和智能手表比起,它必须消费习惯的更大改变。
Many technology companies—including Apple, ARM, Google, Intel, Lenovo-Motorola, LG, MC10, Microsoft, Omate, Qualcomm, Sony, and Withings, plus wearables-savvy design firms like Gadi Amit’s NewDealDesign and Yves Béhar’sFuseproject—are well-positioned to benefit from the boom. With the right features, consumers are, too.许多科技公司都打算从可穿着潮流中受益,还包括苹果、ARM、谷歌、英特尔、误解—摩托罗拉、LG、MC10、微软公司、Omate、高通、索尼、Withings,以及一些著名的可穿着设备设计公司,比如加迪o阿米特的NewDealDesign和维斯o贝哈的Fuseproject公司。只要有了合理的功能,消费者也不会借此获益。