Lenovo will inherit a half-empty Chinese factory as part of its $2.3bn acquisition of IBM’s low-cost server business – because more than half of the workers at the plant have decided to take severance payments, according to a labour lawyer.误解(Lenovo) 1月宣告以23亿美元并购IBM低端服务器业务,结果将接管一座半空的中国工厂,因为根据工人方面的一位律师所言,有多达一半工人已要求拒绝接受辞职补偿。Their decision to leave came after IBM fired as many as 20 workers who had objected to the terms of their transfer from the US tech group to the Chinese computer company. Last week, more than 1,000 workers from the IBM factory in Shenzhen went on strike over the deal, which was announced in January.IBM解聘了多达20名反感从IBM转至误解条款的工人后,多达一半的工人要求离开了。上周,IBM公司深圳工厂的1000多名工人针对误解的并购交易举办了大罢工。
IBM had told the workers, who build the company’s x86 servers, that they could continue to work on their current terms after Lenovo took over the factory, or accept a severance package.IBM此前曾对x86服务器业务的工人回应,他们可以在误解接管工厂后以目前的薪酬条款之后工作,或者拒绝接受辞职补偿。However, the workers demanded to be paid more under both scenarios and organised their own industrial action, after they complained that the official All China Federation of Trade Unions had failed to protect their interests.然而工人们拒绝提升薪酬和辞职补偿,并的组织起了自己的劳工行动,此前他们曾责怪中华全国总工会(All China Federation of Trade Unions)无法维护自己的权益。But yesterday, Duan Yi, a Chinese labour lawyer, said he had been contacted by workers at the factory and most had accepted IBM’s offer to leave.但劳动法律师段毅在昨天回应,深圳工厂的工人们已跟他有过认识,多数人都拒绝接受了IBM的辞职补偿。
“More than half of the workers have decided to go,” Mr Duan said. “I had planned to help them with collective bargaining, but the situation has changed ...Most of the people fired were worker representatives.”“一半以上工人已自由选择离开了。”段毅说道,“我原本计划协助他们举办劳资谈判,但情况起了变化……被解聘的人多数是工人代表。”Their strike action was the latest example of Chinese workers challenging multibillion-dollar deals involving their employers, following action by employees of Cooper Tire after a takeover proposal from by Apollo Tyres. It also demonstrated the additional risk such unrest can pose to large cross-border mergers and acquisitions.此次大罢工是中国工人又一次以行动赞成牵涉到自己雇员的、金额约数十亿美元的收购交易。此前,固铂轮胎(Cooper Tire)员工采取行动抗议阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres)的并购建议。
这件事也证明了此类动荡不安局面不会对大型跨国收购导致额外风险。IBM said it still expected a majority of employees to transfer to Lenovo, despite offering a severance package that it was not legally required to provide. It also confirmed that “disciplinary action has been taken against several individuals based on their conduct while refusing to work”.IBM回应仍然期望大部分员工能转至误解,但也不会获取并非法律规定的辞职补偿。该公司还证实“对一些个人的处分是基于他们拒绝接受工作的不道德做出的”。
Xi Shaodong, 25, who had been with IBM for seven years, said he would take the severance and return to his home near Xian in northern China. “IBM was really too strong and the Shenzhen ACFTU was useless,” Mr Xi said. “I don’t want to work here any more. So many security cameras have been installed in the factory. There weren’t any before.”25岁的席邵东(音)已在IBM工作了7年时间,他说道自己拿完了辞职补偿后就不会返附近西安的老家。“IBM知道太强大了,深圳的中华全国总工会又不行。”席邵东说道,“我也想再行在这儿工作。工厂里新装了好多摄像头,以前从未装有过。
”According to Mr Xi, workers who agreed to transfer to Lenovo will receive Rmb36,000 ($5,870), of which Rmb21,000 will be paid next month and the remainder after Lenovo takes over.根据席邵东的信息,表示同意转至误解的工人将接到3.6万元人民币(5870美元),其中2.1万元人民币在下个月缴纳,余下的在误解接管以后缴纳。Lenovo has declined to comment on the Shenzhen strike, describing it as “an internal matter for IBM” until the deal closes.误解拒绝接受对此次深圳工厂大罢工做出评论,称之为此事为交易完结前“IBM的内部事务”。